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TCK links: WikiLeaks founder a global nomad

I started Denizen in 2008 because no one was documenting the modern Third Culture Kid experience, even though the number of global nomads was steadily rising. I believe this is changing.

This bimonthly column will round up news and links about Third Culture Kids. If you see relevant articles or blog posts in your travels across the web, please drop me a note at

1. Julian Assange: Global nomad sheds born identity
With no permanent address and having moved 37 times by the time he was 14, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is the ultimate global nomad: both everywhere, online and connected, and nowhere, all at once. Author Brigid Delaney discusses how the old rules of nation states are struggling to deal with a nomads of a borderless, digital world. [Sydney Morning Herald]

2. NYTimes blog post features expat kid
“We were well-designed for espionage,” Mary H.K. Choi says about expat kids living in Hong Kong. In her post on The New York Times’ Opinionator blog, Choi illustrates the parallels between the expat social circles of Hong Kong and the shape-shifting anomie of life in New York City. [New York Times]
Also on Denizen: NYC is the ultimate TCK city.

3. Visas: high-flying expats in the same boat as refugees
When an expat couple with two nationalities has a baby in Belgium, neither can confer citizenship and their baby is stateless. Laura MacInnis speaks with the head of the U.N. Statelessness unit and learns that expats and their children are falling through the cracks of national citizenship laws. [Reuters]
Also on Denizen: Why should citizenship matter?

4. Now it’s my daughter with the accent
The Mail & Guardian’s features editor shares her story of being raised by a third culture kid, then raising a nomad of her own in South Africa. “Part of being from different places really means you are of none. Your sense of self is fragmented,” she writes. “Globalisation and third-culture kids are the present and the future; mutts, all of us, borders shifting, allegiances wavering.” [Mail & Guardian]
Also on Denizen: Raising a TCK of your own

5. Third Culture Kids featured in The Vancouver Sun
The Vancouver Sun chats with three global nomads as they tackle the question, “Where are you going home for the holidays?” Reporter Lindsey Craig interviews a third culture kid who changes her identity based on who she’s meeting. “With black people, she says she’s from Burkina Faso. But with a white person, she says one parent is from Africa, and the other is French-Canadian, careful to emphasize her Quebecois roots because white people often assume she’s an immigrant.” [Vancouver Sun]

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